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And the beat goes on........

Use music to enhance your goal.... Music is a group of sounds put together to form a song.  The sounds express a person, feelings, behavior, beliefs, life or experience.  Music has been around for many years.  It has been used for many generations for musical entertainment or religion.  In the olden days music was played for royalty but now it is used for all people.   Music can affect a person's mood, feeling and behavior.


Could you imagine driving while listening to that music?  

There are studies being done that show that aggressive music might increase your chances of getting into a car crash.  Aggressive music makes people behave more aggressively.  Not a good combination when driving.

  • There is talk of inventing a chip that can block certain radio stations on car radios. Interesting....Keeping young people from listening to the 'hard' stuff when they're on the road could save lives.

What might be an advantage of listening to "aggressive" music?

An interesting study, in which students listened to relaxing music verses aggressive music... those who listened to classical music had higher White Blood Cell counts than those who didn't.

The conclusion was that "people with less stress have higher white blood cell counts... it has to do with relaxation."

So where or in what situations might it be helpful to play classical music?

Then you can go the other extreme and put the driver to sleep behind the wheel.... slow music is very relaxing. 

Great for deep breathing or meditation.  


Music can make or break a party...  improve your health, your mind and your driving

Think about this... When you go to a store or a restaurant, what sort of music is played in the background?  How the music might be affecting them.  Does anyone seem to notice or react to the music?

This is my personal favorite music!

My daughter... I think she is amazing.  I feel good ANYTIME I listen to her voice!! Smile