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CAPD Disclaimer

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor.  I'm just offering my journey, and what I feel is, my sound advice... ;)

I researched - galore! - while my daughter was going through the terrible throws of fallout... not only for her, but for my own parallel issues.  (Every individual should do their own research as well.  There is nothing set in stone regarding what meets a 'need' - each of us is unique.  Please - please - use this for information only... double check and adjust for your own uniqueness.)

I share this information freely in the hopes of bringing light to a difficult, and uncommon issue.  I have listed my resources... though I did not keep track of every detail and it's location. (I apologize, but at the time the focus was on our 'dire' situation... this information page came about after receiving several inquiries regarding CAPD... well past my 'research' phase.)  

What I remember, or did keep track of, I have disclosed, giving credit where credit is due. Should I have crossed any copyright lines... please contact me and I will gladly, and immediately correct.