Freedom from Pain Institute
Myoskeletal Techniques
Posture & Pain Specialist
Thai Massage Training
The Stretch Clinic
The Stretching Process
Active/Assisted: Stretch with Assistance
Passive: The stretch is done for you
PNF: Resistive Stretch ~ Tricks the muscle to achieve a stretch
Stretch Your Clients
Restore - Re-Educate - Relax
Myofacial Release
muscle tension with movement, stretching
& compression techniques.
Sports Massage
Specific treatment for sport related ailments
(Life is a Sport!)
Deep Tissue Massage
Slow firm strokes work deep layers of muscle
and fascia for drastic longer lasting change.
W. Lowe's Functional Assessment
Evaluation of Soft Tissue Disorders
St. John Neuromuscular Therapy
Point Therapy
'knot' you feel between your neck and shoulder ~ that is a Trigger Point.)
Esperson Seminars of Continuing Education
Natural Facelift Massage
Claudia Cuencos Meditations
Reiki Ancient Healing Art
Reiki I - Attunements and Training
Upledger Institute CranioSacral Therapy
Gentle, non-invasive technique that balances the CranioSacral pulse
The New
Center for Wholistic Health Education & Research
Swedish/European Massage
Soothing, more superficial strokes that affect circulation & lymphatic's
The New Center for Wholistic
Health Education & Research
AMMA Therapy
Oriental form of Massage: balance's the body's energy by Accupressure points/Meridians