Blood Clots and COVID-19
Please Note: Footnote Research Articles/Links
COVID-19 Safety Training Class Notes: Massage In A Time of COVID and Massage Mastery Summit:
Moving Past COVID-19 Followed by several in-depth reads.
Coagulopathy Endothelial damage leads to - Loss of O2-CO2 exchange in lungs and everywhere else
- Microvascular clotting in skin (petechiae, COVID-toe, other signs) and internal organs
- Macrovascular clotting (stroke, heart attack, PE,
other infarctions)
Heart Damage - People
with pre-existing CVD at highest risk. Some patients develop new heart problems
- Viral attack on myocardium, plus immune response and inflammation
- Hypoxia and thick blood = Extra load on
heart function
- Stress cardiomyopathy,
arrhythmia, heart failure
Kidney Damage - Viral
attack on nephrons, inflammation
- Tiny infarctions, damage to glomeruli
- Low tissue perfusion, hypoxia
- Can require temporary dialysis
- May cause long-term damage
Liver Damage Some patients show elevated enzymes that indicate damage - Viral attack on
- Inflammatory
- Drug-induced
liver injury (DILI)
Many cases clear without treatment - Some
require ongoing liver support
Muscle and Joint Pain Severe,
deep, unrelated to physical activity Several possible factors - Chronic
fatigue/fibromyalgia-like symptoms
- Hypoxia, poor perfusion of muscles and joints
- Tiny emboli
- Rhabdomyolysis (especially with focal pain) Can lead to kidney damage
CNS Damage Virus may access the CNS via the olfactory nerve, axonal transport Viral particles
have been found in CSF Cerebral hypertension, encephalitis - Depresses
respiratory drive, vicious circle
- Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, seizures
- Agitation, memory loss, poor concentration
function changes - Loss of taste, smell
- Numbness, paresthesia in extremities
of stroke from coagulopathy