What if I'm sick?
Getting treated while sick
can work two ways.
The first. If well into the illness, the massage may push you through
faster. This can mean more intense symptoms. Although more intense, they are often shorter lived. Or... if you are not fully into the
illness, it may ward it off completely. Massage releases toxins from the tissues, giving the body the cleansing boost it may
need. You'd need to be sure to drink lots of water/fluids to assist your body's cleansing process.
However this being said. My
rule of thumb is: If you have a fever,
are contagious, or are within the first 2-3 days of being sick, you are better off staying
home to rest. Believe me, it's no fun to be face down, with congested sinuses pressing into the face cradle. On top of this,
in the hopes of not sharing illnesses with the next client, as well as keeping myself and my family
healthy and strong, I would prefer rescheduling for when you are feeling better.
Of course, I will make every effort to fit you back in, as soon as you are well. I will extend the same courtesy
if I'm ill.
Wards off more than Vampires! Garlic
I have a few cocktails before the massage to help me relax? Actually, if you're intoxicated or otherwise impaired, massage is not a good
idea. Mixing the two poses a risk because you're desensitized. This makes it difficult to provide accurate reliable feedback. As well, the
increased circulation via massage, may increase intoxication by increasing tissue absorption. Please refrain from 'relaxing'
too much prior to your appointment.
Having the most current and accurate health information is imperative. Please provide any recent changes
in medications, health history and/or underlying medical conditions. (Medications may effect blood clotting, neurosensory
feedback, tissue integrity and pain perception. It is important to have valid feedback for a successful treatment.) Any condition that can spread along the skin, through the lymph or the blood
stream. Impetigo - Staph/Strep - Lymphangitis
- Malignant Melanoma Do not massage near or over any area where there is bleeding. Whiplash
or other acute injury where there is tearing of tissue - may be bleeding into the tissue during the first 24
to 48 hours after the trauma. Areas of acute inflammation - Ecchymosis (aka
a bruise) *Wounds or infections - especially diabetics
- must have doctors release
Get a physician's recommendation when dealing with the following: Cardiac Arrhythmias - Phlebitis - deep vein thrombosis
and clotting disorders - Severe varicose veins Areas with loss of integrity
- Recent surgery - Joint replacements - Severe rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) Those with compromised immune systems AIDS
Care must be taken when dealing with areas of abnormal sensation: Stroke - Diabetes*
- Medications
Edema - based on origin
and/or cause.